lunedì 16 dicembre 2013

Tensione al confine Israele - Libano

Notizie appena arrivate (scrivo che sono le 0:28...) e che sono da prendere con la massima cautela in attesa di ulteriori dettagli.


AGI) - Gerusalemme, 15 dic. - Ci sarebbe una vittima tra i soldati israliani che in serata sono finiti nel mirino di truppe libanesi. Lo riferiscono fonti della sicurezza di Beirut citate dal quotidiano locale 'The Daily Star'. In precedenza la tv di Hezbollah, al Manar, aveva sostenuto che un soldato israeliano sarebbe stato ucciso ma mancano conferme indipendenti.(...)

An Israeli soldier was killed on Sunday evening by shots fired from Lebanese territory. The shooter was evidently a Lebanese soldier.
Israel has lodged a complaint with the Lebanese government and with the United Nations, but it does not seem as though this incident will lead to a broader confrontation between the two countries.
The soldier's family has been informed of his death.
Around 8:30 P.M. an Israeli military vehicle moving near the border with Lebanon was struck by six or seven bullets fired from a light firearm, evidently from a relatively short distance. The incident occurred just east of an Israel Defense Forces post in Rosh Hanikra. 
The IDF did not immediately respond to the incident.(...)

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